Thursday, 6 December 2007
worlds greatest stunt man died
Lots of crap at work and then the end of the week brought the news that the great Evel Knievel died. Another part of my childhood. God I remember the Evel Knievel stunt bikes that I got one Christmas..........incidentally when surfing the net after Evels death I discovered that these toys had recently been re-launched............and of course the news of the death saw most suppliers shelves emptying at double speed.
Whilst surfing i came across the tribute pages put together by several websites including an excellent overall Biog. on the bykuz dot com site -
Great stuff.
Saturday, 22 September 2007
The Hottest women at a Shell Station in Battersea

Long time since I wrote....but tonite I had a brief encounter with a mystery woman blew my mind......
Tonite I was called to the Shell station at the roundabout at Battersea Queenstown road to help a guy from a Scooter company who had been attacked by some idiots while he tried to go about his honest working life.
When I pulled up I saw the scooter and the rider ,who was on the phone and beside his scooter a White Van......from then on in my vision was enhanced by the best looking woman I have
seen for ages. She had the perfect figure, beautiful face and Oh my god those legs !...........................2 die for !...........I was sure I'd seen/met her before..(in my dreams ?)....Her friend (also a babe) and herself were also in something of a crisis.......asked me to help.......I did what I could to help them on their way. Before I dragged myself away I discovered she had recently been blown away by her first ride on a Buell..........and that she is a's one ugly old biker who wishes he had hair and could have made the trip to Southend.
Sunday, 25 March 2007
Hells Angels -Sense at last
Any subculture will invariably reflect the mainstream society - the subculture is a microcosm of the 'society' in which it exists. The laws and regulations of the society will to a greater or lesser extent seek to control the subculture and it's perceived freedoms. That is to say, in striving to live in their own cultural world subcultures such as the Outlaw Biker will invariably break rules and regulations created by the 'ruling' culture in an attempt to curtail their freedom and control them. Consider for example the way in which,here in the UK, the criminal justice and public order Act was introduced as a means of preventing illegal gatherings - initially aimed at so called 'new age travellers' but ultimately and perhaps the hidden agenda was to use the Act to curtail groups of 'Ravers'(also note- attempts were made to use that the same act to curtail Motorcycle gatherings each year - which failed abysmally !)
There are individuals in Society who are criminally inclined, sociological studies show us that a sub culture will be a microcosm of this - i.e. there is likely to be an equivalent proportion possibly involved in criminal activity. BUT What the authorities have failed to establish in any countries in the World is that the clubs, and in the main, the Hells Angels, are a criminal organisation per se. There has not been established any requirement for criminal activity as a pre-requisiteto joining the club.
People outside the clubs, including other motorcyclists will probably never really know what dynamic drives the clubs. The Angels have always refused to entertain debate or answer questions and it is this that winds up the Authorities and citizens. To answer the questions would justify their asking. We live in a world where family units are decimated and very few people have the strong bonds that exist in these subcultural organisations. The military is perhaps one group who can have an idea of the bond.
The news this week fom the Netherlands is that the Haringen chapter of the Hells Angels motorbike club does not have to be banned and broken up, a court in Leeuwarden ruled on Tuesday. The court said that the public prosecution department had failed to prove that the organisation was such a threat to public order that the 'ultimate deterrent' - a ban - was legally justifiable.
Nor could the Harlingen group be held responsible for criminal acts by members of the gang elsewhere in the country, the court said. Just because some members had criminal records, did not mean the Hells Angels were a criminal organisation, the court ruled.
The public prosecution department (OM) is attempting to have the Dutch Hells Angels banned because of its criminal connections - in particular to drugs and illegal weapons - arguing such an organisation has no place in society.
The court's decision will come as a severe blow to the OM. The Harlingen case was the first of seven such hearings nationwide and the first to reach a verdict. Other cases have been heard in Amsterdam, Haarlem, Alkmaar, IJmuiden, Rotterdam and Kampen.
The OM said immediately that it would appeal against the Leeuwarden ruling. It would do all it could to ensure the organisation was banned, a spokesman said.
Last week it emerged that several serving Dutch soldiers were also Hells Angels in their spare time.
We cannot afford to be complacent, if the authorities succeed anywhere and the rot spreads, who will they single out next...? Chopper riders, motorcyclists generally,..............NAZI GERMANY.WORLD.
Speak out- Support your local Outlaw 1 %ers at every and any Opportunity.....
Sunday, 18 March 2007
jeep Grand Chrokee
I recently acquired an old JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE ( a 1996 model ). 4 Litres of pure American Grunt even though it’s only the little brother to the 6 Litre Model.
I live in the UK so with Petrol (gas) costing 89p per litre it’s fairly extravagant to have a vehicle averaging 16-18 Miles to the Gallon - But what the heck !
my site is
Being the obsessive personality I am, I started to immediately compile information on suppliers to get stuff and information on the vehicle. Everything from Tyres to Accessories.
I thought it might be useful to put the info on a webpage to save others some of the legwork.
check it out, it's gonna be added to every few days and whenever I find another good supplier of something useful to the Jeep owner/enthusiast - clickhere
Friday, 9 March 2007
At last some common sense has been shown in the worldwide knee jerk reaction everytime the words 'Hells Angels' is mentioned. Nothing has changed since Cohen wrote his influential sociological study on the mods and rockers - Folk devils, Moral panics. Any subculture will invariably reflect the mainstream society - the subculture is a microcosm of the 'society' in which it exists. The laws and regulations of the society will to a greater or lesser extent seek to control the subculture and it's perceived freedoms. That is to say, in striving to live in their own cultural world subcultures such as the Outlaw Biker will invariably break rules and regulations created by the 'ruling' culture in an attempt to curtail their freedom and control them. Consider for example the way in which,here in the UK, the criminal justice and public order Act was introduced as a means of preventing illegal gatherings - initially aimed at so called 'new age travellers' but ultimately and perhaps the hidden agenda was to use the Act to curtail groups of 'Ravers'(also note- attempts were made to use that the same act to curtail Motorcycle gatherings each year - which failed abysmally !) There are individuals in Society who are criminally inclined, sociological studies show us that a sub culture will be a microcosm of this - i.e. there is likely to be an equivalent proportion possibly involved in criminal activity. BUT What the authorities have failed to establish in any countries in the World is that the clubs, and in the main, the Hells Angels, are a criminal organisation per se. There has not been established any requirement for criminal activity as a pre-requisite to joining the club. People outside the clubs, including other motorcyclists will probably never really know what dynamic drives the clubs. The Angels have always refused to entertain debate or answer questions and it is this that winds up the Authorities and citizens. To answer the questions would justify their asking. We live in a world where family units are decimated and very few people have the strong bonds that exist in these subcultural organisations. The military is perhaps one group who can have an idea of the bond. The news this week fom the Netherlands is that the Haringen chapter of the Hells Angels motorbike club does not have to be banned and broken up, a court in Leeuwarden ruled on Tuesday. The court said that the public prosecution department had failed to prove that the organisation was such a threat to public order that the 'ultimate deterrent' - a ban - was legally justifiable. Nor could the Harlingen group be held responsible for criminal acts by members of the gang elsewhere in the country, the court said. Just because some members had criminal records, did not mean the Hells Angels were a criminal organisation, the court ruled. The public prosecution department (OM) is attempting to have the Dutch Hells Angels banned because of its criminal connections - in particular to drugs and illegal weapons - arguing such an organisation has no place in society. The court's decision will come as a severe blow to the OM. The Harlingen case was the first of seven such hearings nationwide and the first to reach a verdict. Other cases have been heard in Amsterdam, Haarlem, Alkmaar, IJmuiden, Rotterdam and Kampen. The OM said immediately that it would appeal against the Leeuwarden ruling. It would do all it could to ensure the organisation was banned, a spokesman said. Last week it emerged that several serving Dutch soldiers were also Hells Angels in their spare time. We cannot afford to be complacent, if the authorities succeed anywhere and the rot spreads, who will they single out next...? Chopper riders, motorcyclists generally,..............NAZI GERMANY.WORLD. Speak out- Support your local Outlaw 1 %ers at every and any Opportunity..... SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL HELLS ANGELS.
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Great site, knows her bikes and she looks great too !
Whilst surfing for material on Harley Sporters for my evolving biker lifestyle site, I came across a 'personal' site belonging to a woman called dixie deb.
I immediately thought it was gonna be one of those annoying self self self "here's my bikes","her's my house", "here's my dog/cat/kids" etc etc - you know what I mean...... I COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG !
check out
quote: "Whats Here? A Biker's Site for Bikers! & My Views of Life? hehe Enjoy! "
dixie deb looks great too...............................schwwwwwwing! ( sorry dixie deb but I'm just a red blooded biker male !)
A seriously good site.........added to my favourites.
Monday, 15 January 2007
When they came for the bikers ! - Know your rights !
Exhaust pipe Noise Tickets - Fiction vs. Reality. In California, unlike speeding tickets where the cops have radar detectors that must be calibrated with proof read into the record of every speeding ticket taken to court, the equipment used to determine exhaust pipes excess noise are the cops ears, which by the CHP's own admission is subjective. Subjective enforcement of a law is by nature is arbitrary, inconsistent and against the law. Here are some facts and letters I used to fight my ticket.
DALE EARNHARDT- was killed when his helmet broke his neck. The neck can't handle the forces generated in a crash. Granted, Dale's crash scenario is different from a bike crash. He was strapped in and going 200 MPH, but the physics are same and too many riders have been injured, paralyzed and killed by the same inherent problems. Enter the HANS (Head And Neck Support) system that is being considered for required equipment in certain race events. Basically, the HANS system protects the driver by making his "safety helmet" safe. You mean they're not?
As an often threatened minority/majority we need to ensure that we stop the man from infringing on our civil liberties.
Never was the quote from Peter Fonda more relevant. The problem is that for a perceived minority there is a tendency for people even within the sub culture to sit back and not notice the gradual chip, chip,chipping away of ‘the man’at our freedoms or perhaps to feel that the little change in the law of one state does not effect us in our own state. Think Again !
During the second world war there was a guy, a priest, called father Niemoeller there is a quote ( often changed to suite the political need of the user) but the basic core of the thing was this:-
When the Nazis came for the communists
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
[Click here to read the address to congress made by the Pastor in 1968]
It’s not enough to sit back crank open the throttle and ride off along the highway if we want to continue to enjoy our freedom then we need to fight to stop the politicians – the non-bikers and the facist pigs from taking them away. Education and self awareness are our main weapons. Another invaluable weapon is the $. Yes spending power….. now more than ever in the past we have our voting and spending power. Gone are the days when bikers were a penniless and powerless minority. Our numbers have grown, our pay-packets have grown and our political clout has grown with time. Bikers buy houses, bikers pay taxes, bikers buy fuel, schooling, real estate….etc ,etc many Bikers are business men and employers, Bikers are consumers with big spending power and in our society this counts for a lot. Our votes are our power more than ever before.
Perhaps the best way to stop the eroding of our rights is to know exactly what our rights are and what the man can and cannot do……..and when they step over the line to call them back into check.
I found a couple of sites which are excellent in building and maintaining an awareness of BIKER RIGHTS.
The best of these is
It is updated regularly and you can search state specific information on the site.
Bikers Rights Online has New articles debuting on the home page and they are then moved to the relevant site section or Archives when the page gets too long. The visitor can use the navigator links on the left or buttons on the top and bottom of every page.
It’s an invaluable resource for any biker and is an interesting site to visit just for a good read .
Do It ! ……..
and Ride Safe. Ride FREE!
Friday, 5 January 2007
What is a biker ?
By now as a biker I’m used to reading complete rubbish about us and the lifestyle but here’s a patronizingly amusing extract from the ‘informative’ ( NOT!) wikipedia……………….
Although the term refers to any motorcycle enthusiast, sometimes the word "biker" is used to mean an outlaw biker, or bikie, who is a member of a 1%er or outlaw motorcycle gang.
Amongst riders of motorcycles, the term "biker" or "rider" is used to refer to anyone who rides a motorcycle. The word "bikie" strictly refers to European and Australian members of "1%er" or "outlaw" motorcycle gangs. Non-riders tend to place all motorcycle riders into the same category, but within the riding community there are many sub-sets of riders.
Some bikers ride heavy cruiser-type motorcycles. (Motorcycles in excess of 700cc displacement are considered "heavy," and "cruisers" are large, heavy bikes designed for relaxed travel that allow the rider to sit upright or lean back. A chopper is a motorcycle that has been stripped down—or "chopped"—to the bare essentials: engine, frame, gas tank, wheels, handlebars, and seat.)
The other more popular styles of bikes are
- Sports Bike (those who have the fastest, most maneuverable of bikes. Like going fast, and most importantly, taking corners as fast and leaned into as low as possible)
- Tourers (Big comfortable bikes, built for covering long distances comfortably)
- Dirt bikes (Designed for off road riding)
- Adventure Tourers (Bikes built for travelling across vast distances where roads do not exist. Cross between a dirt bike and a tourer)
Bikers tend to associate with others that share their enthusiasm, and congregate at motorcycle events such as "bike week" rallies and races.-
JUST 2 Words…………………FUCK OFF !
If we have to explain then you wouldn’t understand…………… Skull.London.