I caught the premier of this new TV show whilst in the States August 2008.....watch it and decide for yourself. Without a doubt it is well researched and gets some things right and others wrong..........Hey ....It's entertainment ! although having seen a couple of muppets comments on the forum/blogs to the series from individuals who ask - where they can buy a set of Colours/Patch, and another asking if the series producers have any plans to set up an MC from the series....? I despair..........I guess the one individual probably wrote off for an application form to join the mafia after seeing the Godfather movies ! some people shouldn't be allowed out without a nurse !
The Sons of Anarchy is a fictional - yes fictional ! outlaw motorcycle club with many charters in the United States. The Charming local is the original founding charter of the Sons of Anarchy.
The show has already aired in several European countries after the success in the US, and is due to air in the next few months in the UK on Bravo.