Although I'm naturally averse to 'accesorization school of customization, there is a piece of off the shelf kit that I'd wanted to put on my sportster for a couple of years but as it was strictly aesthetic and non performance practical it kept getting put off and the funds used elsewhere. However after a boring evening on ebay and finding myself on a a page of Kuryakyn accesories I put in a low bid on an aircraft 'style' flush mounted gas cap.........a screw in one which didn't need welding etc but fitts in the stock tank filler hole, thereby dressing the tank filler to look like it's a genuine welded in flush filler. I then forgot about my bid and a few weeks later recieved an 'e'mail from 'e'bay reminding me I had to pay for it as I'd won.
It arrived and I've gotta say, it was so easy to fit. - it took about 10 minutes reading and orientation and about 5 minutes to actually fit.
It is exactly as Kuryakyn say :-
- High-tech look of aviation-style fuel fillers
- Simply screws into the stock opening in your gas tank
- Keyed entry permits the low profile and prevents unauthorized entry
- Outer rings prevent chips around gas opening
- Kuryakyn's Flush-Mount Gas Caps are available in vented and non-vented styles for 83 and later screw-in style tanks.require reusing