The sound bite for the show this year was " fight for your right to party......and party we did .
The dark skies have opened up and .......well who GAF ! We came we saw we partied .
Bikers are resilient folk and a downpour merely inconveniences us .
" Better than farmyard " was one opinion from an experienced bike festival fan but for whom this was a first bulldog .

Ok so there were a few things from old bulldog evolution that we would liked to have seen .
Cash tills on site would have helped everyone out , as would some stalls selling basics such as milk, bread etc, services such as bikini bike wash, and the wet t shirt contests ?
But all in all a great show/festival and most certainly back with a vengeance .
Respect to the Hells Angels MC for make it real again .
Click for More Bulldog pics and words
What is that sound I hear ? oh , it is the worlds smallest violin . It is playing a sorrowful tune for the Police who sat on their fat arses, on overtime, with nothing to do all weekend.
Or to the traffic cops sitting with their Bikes and speed guns round one of the corners waiting for us terrible law breaking Bikers racing up to beautiful Stratford.
And thanks to the brotherhood that exists between bikers that meant within a few minutes of them sitting there everyone at the Bash knew and was alerted. Thanks for remembering to "flash" oncoming bikes after you pass these cops lying in wait.
And Thanks to the cops sitting in the lay-by across from the Bash in unmarked cars - for being so obvious.
NB: several of these "thank you's" are tongue in cheek and may be interpreted as "F**k You's !
F**K The Police !