There can’t be too many things that you buy for your other half but also get some enjoyment from. Okay, so there are CDs, Books and DVDs, especially those that you really buy for your collection but cunningly disguise as a gift for her. But if you are looking for something that’s unique and totally personal then nothing comes close to beautiful sexy lingerie – a gift guaranteed to win you brownie points and benefits galore.
From the plentiful selection of beautiful lingerie available on internet lingerie sites such as, there’s no doubt that you will be able to find the perfect gift.
But the question on every mans mind is were do I start?. Don’t worry _ you’re not the only bloke in the world who’s worried about looking furtive or clueless in a lingerie dept. Buying lingerie gifts need not be the complicated or embarrassing experience that you might expect, particularly when shopping online.
Let us help you into the world of something sensuous by offering a few essential dos and don’ts designed to make the experience as easy and successful as possible.
Invest wisely, not only choose garments that you would like your lady to wear but the kind that she might choose for herself. Size matters and if you do not know her size carry out a discreet preliminary investigation in her underwear draw. Make a note of her favourite bra if you can see it. If all the detective work does is throw you into a state of confusion( confused excitement ? haha!) use the simple sizing guidelines on the site as most styles come in Small, Medium or Large.
An excellent alternative gift option is a chemise or camisole with matching knickers. This is sized in the same way as a dress and it is much easier to get right if your not sure .
Thong or brief ? the answer should again be lying there in her collection but if in doubt thongs are currently more popular and would be the safest bet.
however as beauty is in the eye of the beholder then the best advice is to go with your instincts and select the styles that capture your imagination the most. Click here for a selection of ideas
And then…………………………………… enjoy !