Oh man ! It was bad enough news back in late 2009 that Steven Tyler had quit the band to go into rehab and recover his health - (not for the first time in his long life !)
Well now according to Billboard magazine Aerosmith (the corporate entity that is the band )has begun its search for a singer to replace Steven Tyler -- though whether it's permanent or temporary is uncertain.
When Guitarist Joe perry finishes his stint on the Motley Crue tour on February 5th he will be making phone calls and Hopes to have found a new singer by the summer, enabling Aerosmith(Inc) to go back out on the road.
Tyler is currently in rehab for an addiction to painkillers after a tumultuous last few months of 2009(including an unscheduled stage dive -of sorts!), In December Tyler said he planned to "be writing, recording and performing with Aerosmith as soon as things are handled."
Guitarist Perry, however, reckons it may take a while for those things to be "handled", certainly longer than he and the rest of Aerosmith care to wait as they gear up for the group's 40th anniversary in 2011.
Perry said. "He has to have leg surgery and foot surgery and it's basically going to take him out of the picture for about a year, year and a half."