Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Friday, 26 December 2014
Travel Bollox ! Choice ? what Choice but to drive.
What a bunch of tossers the public transport companies are in this country !
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Sunday, 14 December 2014
God bless Hammerite Paint
Such a wide variation on prices ....well worth shopping around if you can . (Jeez do ya remember when "shopping around" meant trudging the streets or endless phone calls rather than as now just clicking away in your armchair ? )
Best Price ? your local Wickes £ 7.59
Best Price ? your local Wickes £ 7.59
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Lying bastard politicians !
If I were to lie in a court of law, I would go to jail. But it's entirely legal for an MP to lie to Parliament. Doesn't sound right, does it?
Join the debate .......
Saturday, 6 December 2014
Foxes hate bikers too !
About 1 month ago whilst covering my motorcycle for the night I was bitten by a fox hiding behind the bike.! had the tetanus, and the anti biotics etc from the hospital.
The amazing thing was that the fox did not run off after biting my hand but actually came round the bike and stood looking at me , edging forward towards me as if to say " come on then ! you want some ? ! lol he did run off when iI moved suddenly .
Then about a week later , again while manoeuvering my bike to cover it for the night i turned and saw the fox standing there .
A week later I saw a mate who parks his bikes in the street across the road from our house. When I told him about the fox biting me, he told me he had problems a few days before with probably the same fox. He was sat working on his bike with tools etc laid out on the pavement. He noticed the fox edging towards where he was working .he noticed it was edging forward and then suddenly ran up to his tools, stole one of the oily rags and ran off into the bushes.
yesterday evening , still in daylight , as I rode my motorcycle onto the pavement to cover it for the night , the fox suddenly appeared on the pavement about 30 ft away, running towards me . it started to run at me and i jumped off and placed the bike between myself and the fox The fox still, kept coming and tried to get round the bike to me . I shouted at the fox and eventually managed to somehow get it to back off. The fox backed itself away into the middle of the road and away into the bushes from where it came ....Freaky !
about 2 hours later i could hear my friend arrive on his bike. as i looked out of the window I saw the fox emerge from the bushes and run towards him. The biker saw it and seemed to be as amazed as I had been , The fox ran up to him but got a swift boot from the bikers steel boot. lol
I havent noticed if the fox has a bushy tail but I guarantee if that fox attacks me again I will have my lump hammer ready
If the coat is good there will be some nice skin to work with .
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
BULLDOG BASH 2015 Show Dates
6th, 7th, 8th & 9th August 2015
Earlybird tickets are only £30 until 30th April 2015
After that tickets will be £40 until 1st August 2015
Tickets on the gate will cost £45 cash only
Tickets are available by post from:
Shoulder of Mutton, Blackwell Road, Huthwaite, Notts NG17 2RG
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Ashfield Promotions Ltd‘
Click here for the direct link to our event page at
Please note that booking fees apply
Do Not do nothing !
If you have not done so already , please visit
and sign the petition to
or we will lose more than just the Bulldog Bash .
and sign the petition to
or we will lose more than just the Bulldog Bash .
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Friday, 5 September 2014
A little bit of bondage does us good lol
Saturday the 6th September 2014
Galleon Suite,
Royal National Hotel,
Russell Square, London,
WC1b 5BB.
Friday, 22 August 2014
Biker protection - clubs move into Ferguson
More than a week after police shot and killed an unarmed
teenager, sparking racial tension and unrest.
riders from motorcycle clubs have arrived in Ferguson, Missouri,
in an effort to protect stores against looters and join in peaceful
Some of the bikers are reportedly from the Outcast MC, which touts
itself as America's oldest, all-black motorcycle club. It was founded in
Detroit in 1969, but has chapters across the country.
Outcast members joined bikers from another club, Dominant Breed, in the St. Louis suburb over the weekend. While their goal
is to show support and keep the peace, one rider told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that the clubs have no official plan to protect the city.

"But normally when they see our presence [troublemakers] don't come around much," the biker told the newspaper.
The bikers were also spotted at a memorial site for the slain teen, Michael Brown, 18.
Missouri State Highway Patrol Capt. Ron Johnson acknowledged the bikers at a news conference on Saturday.
"There was a motorcycle group out here who walked up and said, 'You tell
us what time,'" Johnson said, referring to the curfew that authorities
implemented in Ferguson.
Journalists and protesters shared snapshots of the bikers, clad in signature black jackets and skull masks, on social media.
They joined students, families, churches and members of groups including Amnesty International
and even the Black Panther Party, who have joined in the rallies. Many
are protesting excessive police force and the lack of public information
related to Brown's case.
Brown was killed on Aug. 9 as he and a friend were walking home from a
convenience store. Police identified Darren Wilson, the officer who shot
Brown, six days later. Circumstances surrounding Brown's death are
still unclear.
Saturday, 9 August 2014
Bulldog is back !
The Sound of motorcycle exhaust pipes fading into the Stratford countryside marks the end of the 2014 Bulldog Bash weekend.
The sound bite for the show this year was " fight for your right to party......and party we did .
The dark skies have opened up and .......well who GAF ! We came we saw we partied .
Bikers are resilient folk and a downpour merely inconveniences us .
" Better than farmyard " was one opinion from an experienced bike festival fan but for whom this was a first bulldog .
The new " re- invented " bulldog is by anyone's reckoning a resounding success. Walking round the campsite on Friday and Saturday hearing experienced bulldogers chatting amongst themselves and to myself when asked it became obvious that the return after a years break with its return to the original bulldog ethos pleased most people . " a proper biker festival" was just about the crux of it.
Ok so there were a few things from old bulldog evolution that we would liked to have seen .
Cash tills on site would have helped everyone out , as would some stalls selling basics such as milk, bread etc, services such as bikini bike wash, and the wet t shirt contests ?
But all in all a great show/festival and most certainly back with a vengeance .
Respect to the Hells Angels MC for make it real again .
Click for More Bulldog pics and words
What is that sound I hear ? oh , it is the worlds smallest violin . It is playing a sorrowful tune for the Police who sat on their fat arses, on overtime, with nothing to do all weekend.
Or to the traffic cops sitting with their Bikes and speed guns round one of the corners waiting for us terrible law breaking Bikers racing up to beautiful Stratford.
And thanks to the brotherhood that exists between bikers that meant within a few minutes of them sitting there everyone at the Bash knew and was alerted. Thanks for remembering to "flash" oncoming bikes after you pass these cops lying in wait.
And Thanks to the cops sitting in the lay-by across from the Bash in unmarked cars - for being so obvious.
NB: several of these "thank you's" are tongue in cheek and may be interpreted as "F**k You's !
F**K The Police !
The sound bite for the show this year was " fight for your right to party......and party we did .
The dark skies have opened up and .......well who GAF ! We came we saw we partied .
Bikers are resilient folk and a downpour merely inconveniences us .
" Better than farmyard " was one opinion from an experienced bike festival fan but for whom this was a first bulldog .

Ok so there were a few things from old bulldog evolution that we would liked to have seen .
Cash tills on site would have helped everyone out , as would some stalls selling basics such as milk, bread etc, services such as bikini bike wash, and the wet t shirt contests ?
But all in all a great show/festival and most certainly back with a vengeance .
Respect to the Hells Angels MC for make it real again .
Click for More Bulldog pics and words
What is that sound I hear ? oh , it is the worlds smallest violin . It is playing a sorrowful tune for the Police who sat on their fat arses, on overtime, with nothing to do all weekend.
Or to the traffic cops sitting with their Bikes and speed guns round one of the corners waiting for us terrible law breaking Bikers racing up to beautiful Stratford.
And thanks to the brotherhood that exists between bikers that meant within a few minutes of them sitting there everyone at the Bash knew and was alerted. Thanks for remembering to "flash" oncoming bikes after you pass these cops lying in wait.
And Thanks to the cops sitting in the lay-by across from the Bash in unmarked cars - for being so obvious.
NB: several of these "thank you's" are tongue in cheek and may be interpreted as "F**k You's !
F**K The Police !
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Billy lane - Air Force bike
Just been reading the feature on the Billy lane Airforce Bike in 100% Biker magazine.
of course made non the less interesting by the fact it was built whilst Billie was in the Florida correctional facility where he is/was serving a sentence for vehicular Homicide.
The bike iteslf is styled on speedway bikes
More here
of course made non the less interesting by the fact it was built whilst Billie was in the Florida correctional facility where he is/was serving a sentence for vehicular Homicide.
The bike iteslf is styled on speedway bikes
More here
Sunday, 27 July 2014
Growing the Brand, or Killing the Mystique
Is Harley-Davidson Growing the Brand, or Killing the Mystique ? a good question especially with the latest moves to capture shares of markets they previously ignored with the "street" machines (i.e.women).
I think the question is well addressed by "Fuzzygalore", -Girlie Motorcycle Blogger and referenced on an interesting site I found
Friday, 25 July 2014
German state tries to ban online Hells Angels logos
W T F ! As if we didn't all know politicians are stupid ......same old same old ......folk devils moral panics ...North Rhine-Westphalia has decided to enforce a ban on the display of biker gangs' logo's on websites. ,,,,,,More
Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Plans to build more houses on the airfield also place the Bulldog and many other events at risk for their future.
Please go to the government website and sign the petition before it is too late ! The Petition
Harley Davidson - Or Indian ? ?
Supply problems led to delays and sales themselves are down on the predicted figures. Analysts have said the weaker-than-expected sales were due to these delays in new models hitting the showrooms. read more
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Obviously pure coincidence ! ? ?
Of course the police action in the previous posting has nothing to do with the impending influx of bikers to the area for the Bulldog Bash ! You just gotta credit the man for his transparency . FTP.
Some things just never change. !
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Crackdown on dangerous bikers...... Broadway
POLICE will be cracking down on motorcyclists speeding and driving dangerously in Broadway on Sunday.West Mercia Police have teamed up with the Safer Roads Partnership and Warwickshire Police to run the joint operation on the A44, as well as the A46 in Salford Priors in Warwickshire, this weekend.
Motorcyclists are often reported racing in the two areas and officers will be carrying out highly-visible patrols in the area in an effort to stamp out the nuisance.
Specialist units involving motorcycle police, speed enforcement officers and the Operational Patrol Unit (OPU) team will be involved in the initiative which is being carried out on Sunday 20th July and will continue over the summer months around other operational commitments.
The aim is to provide a highly visible deterrent to speeding motorists and motorcyclists as well as cracking down on inappropriate riding and nuisance offences such as noise. Activity will focus on the A44 in Broadway and the A46 at Salford Priors.
“This action is also being taken in support of people living around the areas who have complained through their safer neighbourhood team or parish council about the noise and high speeds of the machines involved,” he said.
“We intend to continue with this initiative until the message gets through to the minority of motorists causing the problems that their activities will not be tolerated.”
Safer Roads Partnership communications manager Anna Higgins said both Worcestershire and Warwickshire are very popular with bikers but it was important they all stayed as safe as possible while on the road.
“Through local operations like this one, and by supporting the national Think Bike campaign, we aim to make motorcyclists more aware of the risks that are present when they are out on the roads and help us reduce the amount of collisions that take place,” she said.
“Bikers are also invited to brush up on their skills or gain more confidence on their bike by taking advantage of our Take Control motorcycle skills course.
Thursday, 17 July 2014
R.I.P Johnny Winter
At the age of 70 he was still touring and had recently seen the release of a boxed set of his recordings to mark his 70th birthday More Here
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Be careful what you wish for
4 Months ago I met a woman , then a month later I met her friend. The friend was recently enslaved to a contract (in the bdsm sense) by the other womans husband. I somehow got involved and decided i wanted the woman to wear my collar when she was free of her obligation. I anticipated about 6 months ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,today The master told me he has had enough and after Monday she will be free.
OMG suddenly the commitment seems too real !
Be careful what you wish for ..................................................
OMG suddenly the commitment seems too real !
Be careful what you wish for ..................................................
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Jamaica to decriminalise ganja
Jamaica's government is driving for a change in law to decriminalise
possession on a small scale and to limit the punishments for larger drug
Justice minister Mark Golding said possession of up to two ounces (56 grams) of ganja would result in a fine instead of an arrest, while use of the drug for religious, medical or research purposes will be made legal.
Mr Golding said convictions for smoking spliffs were too strong with youths indulging in the illegal drug later denied jobs and visas because of their record.
"A criminal conviction and the attendant significant adverse long-term consequences are not justifiable for what is a relatively minor offence," Mr Golding said.
"The changes to the law contemplated are not novel," he added. "The decriminalisation of ganja in Jamaica has been the subject of considerable study and recommendations over the years."
The proposal for decriminalisation dated back to 1977 before the nation's National Commission on Ganja stepped up support for the move in 2001.
Approval of the government changes to the Dangerous Drugs Act will see Jamaica join Uruguay and the US states Colorado and Washington in recent moves to legalise the drug under limited circumstances.
Justice minister Mark Golding said possession of up to two ounces (56 grams) of ganja would result in a fine instead of an arrest, while use of the drug for religious, medical or research purposes will be made legal.
Mr Golding said convictions for smoking spliffs were too strong with youths indulging in the illegal drug later denied jobs and visas because of their record.
"A criminal conviction and the attendant significant adverse long-term consequences are not justifiable for what is a relatively minor offence," Mr Golding said.
"The changes to the law contemplated are not novel," he added. "The decriminalisation of ganja in Jamaica has been the subject of considerable study and recommendations over the years."
The proposal for decriminalisation dated back to 1977 before the nation's National Commission on Ganja stepped up support for the move in 2001.
Approval of the government changes to the Dangerous Drugs Act will see Jamaica join Uruguay and the US states Colorado and Washington in recent moves to legalise the drug under limited circumstances.
Harley Police Bikes
Monday, 9 June 2014
That's a girls bike !
Harley-Davidson has now designed two new bikes
specifically to appeal to women. Gone are the bulbous petrol tanks and
the shiny chrome that makes the brand famous.
Include smaller handle grips, lower seats and different foot
peg positions. The result is what Harley executives are hoping will
become the staple "little black number" in every woman's garage.
The two models , the Street 500 and Street 750, the company's first new bikes for 13 years, are serious performance motorcycles which they hope will
persuade even more women to ride its machines.
analysts say that Harley-Davidson's efforts will help the brand
challenge its Japanese competitors, especially Kawasaki and Suzuki.
Sunday, 1 June 2014
Saturday, 31 May 2014
At the Harley Davidson Job Interview - "Fired "
Harley-Davidson employees, job candidate 'Army-crawl' to escape gunfire
I have often heard of having to "crawl" during a job interview but never "out" of one !
A story that while amusing could have had a tragic end . An out-of-town job candidate and two Harley-Davidson employees had to "Army-crawl" out of an interview after a bullet fired by a man at his ex-girlfriend shattered a third-floor conference room window at the company's corporate headquarters, according to a criminal complaint.
The bullet was among 10 to 15 shots from a semiautomatic handgun fired by Thomas B. Dright-Jackson, 34, May 22 in the 3400 block of W. Juneau Ave., according to the complaint.
Dright-Jackson is charged with first-degree reckless endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon, and endangering safety by use of a dangerous weapon, discharge firearm into vehicle.
According to the complaint, numerous buildings were struck when Dright-Jackson stood in the middle of Juneau Ave. near a McDonald's restaurant and fired toward his ex-girlfriend and the SUV she jumped into before the driver sped away.
On the day of the shooting, the woman's father called and told her he had locked himself out of his house.
About 4 p.m., when a man identified as a family friend drove her to her father's home so she could let him in, she saw Dright-Jackson walking toward her from his car that was in the McDonald's parking lot.
Afraid, the woman ran into her father's house and locked the front door before hearing pounding on it.
Assuming Dright-Jackson was at the door, the woman waited between 10 and 20 minutes before leaving the residence and walking toward the friend's SUV. She then heard Dright-Jackson yell at her, turned and saw him pointing a gun at her and begin shooting.
The woman jumped into the SUV and heard bullets striking the vehicle as it sped away. A detective later determined the vehicle had been struck four times.
Meanwhile, one of the Harley-Davidson employees heard a quick succession of popping sounds, which he thought were fireworks. But when the window shattered he and the other two people in the conference room dropped to the floor and had to "Army-crawl" out of the room.
The employee then notified others and the building was placed on lock-down, according to the complaint.
When he was arrested the next day, Dright-Jackson said he was at home with his mother the previous day and denied being involved in any shooting.
His mother told police that she believed he had been in the front yard all day.
A story that while amusing could have had a tragic end . An out-of-town job candidate and two Harley-Davidson employees had to "Army-crawl" out of an interview after a bullet fired by a man at his ex-girlfriend shattered a third-floor conference room window at the company's corporate headquarters, according to a criminal complaint.
The bullet was among 10 to 15 shots from a semiautomatic handgun fired by Thomas B. Dright-Jackson, 34, May 22 in the 3400 block of W. Juneau Ave., according to the complaint.
Dright-Jackson is charged with first-degree reckless endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon, and endangering safety by use of a dangerous weapon, discharge firearm into vehicle.
According to the complaint, numerous buildings were struck when Dright-Jackson stood in the middle of Juneau Ave. near a McDonald's restaurant and fired toward his ex-girlfriend and the SUV she jumped into before the driver sped away.
On the day of the shooting, the woman's father called and told her he had locked himself out of his house.
About 4 p.m., when a man identified as a family friend drove her to her father's home so she could let him in, she saw Dright-Jackson walking toward her from his car that was in the McDonald's parking lot.
Afraid, the woman ran into her father's house and locked the front door before hearing pounding on it.
Assuming Dright-Jackson was at the door, the woman waited between 10 and 20 minutes before leaving the residence and walking toward the friend's SUV. She then heard Dright-Jackson yell at her, turned and saw him pointing a gun at her and begin shooting.
The woman jumped into the SUV and heard bullets striking the vehicle as it sped away. A detective later determined the vehicle had been struck four times.
Meanwhile, one of the Harley-Davidson employees heard a quick succession of popping sounds, which he thought were fireworks. But when the window shattered he and the other two people in the conference room dropped to the floor and had to "Army-crawl" out of the room.
The employee then notified others and the building was placed on lock-down, according to the complaint.
When he was arrested the next day, Dright-Jackson said he was at home with his mother the previous day and denied being involved in any shooting.
His mother told police that she believed he had been in the front yard all day.
If convicted of both charges he could be sentenced to up to 27 and a half years in prison, according to the complaint.
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Typical lack of respect !
Respect to 81
In an unprecedented display of stupidity and the steady gradual erosion of individual rights the US department of homeland security refused visas for Friends Family and Associates to attend Cisco's Elliot Valderrama's Funeral.
This is not for national security. This is simpily a violation of human rights. There is no threat to anyone allowing them to attend this funeral.
Please sign the petition. here
In an unprecedented display of stupidity and the steady gradual erosion of individual rights the US department of homeland security refused visas for Friends Family and Associates to attend Cisco's Elliot Valderrama's Funeral.
This is not for national security. This is simpily a violation of human rights. There is no threat to anyone allowing them to attend this funeral.
Please sign the petition. here
Monday, 20 January 2014
Evening entertainment for a cold night
The Telly is crap, the weather is awful, all the work on the bike is done or your taking a break
from it ? What can a man do ? obvious a good book/ Manual
Fancy dress optional ! lol
from it ? What can a man do ? obvious a good book/ Manual
Fancy dress optional ! lol
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Year looking great already ! Bulldog yeah !
7th, 8th, 9th &10th August 2014
Pre book tickets are only £30!
That's right £30 for a Bulldog ticket!
That thirty quid will get you free camping, class custom bikes, cheap beer, & quality live music over 3 days.
Pre book tickets are only £30!
That's right £30 for a Bulldog ticket!
That thirty quid will get you free camping, class custom bikes, cheap beer, & quality live music over 3 days.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Bike thieves in action !
A new Suzuki V-STROM DL650A3 being nicked/stolen from a private car park, with fence, gates and CCTV everywhere, and they managed to steal it in just over 1 minute. It was only 5 months old with 110 miles on the clock. It was a 2013 model. If you get offered a cheap one, be very wary and report it please. It was stolen from Tipton, West Midlands on the 24th November 2013.
Holy Davidson
I can't imagine why the Motorcycle manufacturer thought to give the Pope a Harley last June ?
A British Auction house has said that the Harley-Davidson
motorcycle which was given to Pope Francis by the manufacturer is to
go on sale along with the popes Harley leather jacket next month in Paris.
1,585cc Dyna Super Glide was given to the pope in June to mark
the 110th anniversary of the US motorbike maker.
The bike, which
is signed by Pope Francis on the petrol tank, is expected to fetch
between 12,000 euros and 15,000 euros ($16,400 and $20,500) when it goes
on sale at the Grand Palais in Paris on February 6.
pope donated the Harley in November to the Roman Catholic charity
Caritas Roma and the funds from the sale will go towards the restoration
of its Don Luigi di Liegro hostel and soup kitchen based at Rome's
Termini railway station.
hope to be able to do both Pope Francis and Harley-Davidson proud by
raising a significant amount of money for a very worthy cause."
Laughable :
It is reported that
Francis, 77, is not thought to have ridden the Harley, a make well
known for its use by motorbike gangs including the "Hells Angels"." lol
Saturday, 11 January 2014
Work in progress
Dolly Darkness AKA Miss-Annalieza (-Alternative-Model) has posted some new pics of what is looking like a very nice work in progress, The Raven
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
"As you came up behind him all you could see was his big white bare bum,"
Lol ! Naked scooter driver was just 'cooling down'
In New Zealand a rural police officer thought he had seen it all until he drove past a man on a scooter with his underwear pulled down to his ankles.
full story:Here
In New Zealand a rural police officer thought he had seen it all until he drove past a man on a scooter with his underwear pulled down to his ankles.
full story:Here
Monday, 6 January 2014
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Out in Style and with Respect.

GREAT Train Robber Ronnie Biggs, whose main crime was to have spent much of his life cocking a snook at the British authorities was given an appropriate send off on Friday (3.01.14)
When he was last seen in public, at the funeral of robbery mastermind Bruce Reynolds, Biggs stuck two fingers up at journalists.

Well-wishers gathered in the rain to watch the hearse depart. The coffin was surrounded by floral tributes and messages, and adorned with a red ribbon which read "Ronnie".
The funeral cortege, with a guard of honour formed by 13 Hell's Angels bikers, left the home of Biggs' son Michael and daughter-in-law Veronica in Barnet, north London, ahead of the service at Golders Green Crematorium, north London.
R.I.P.Ronnie Biggs
Respect to Hells Angels MC
Friday, 3 January 2014
let's keep our fingers crossed
If you are anything like me then the cancellation of the 2013 Bulldog left a gaping void in your summer. My annual trip to "mecca" ..................
Well, let's hope all goes to plan and we find ourselves there this year all totally refreshed and ready to party twice as hard .
Well, let's hope all goes to plan and we find ourselves there this year all totally refreshed and ready to party twice as hard .
you can keep updated here on this blog, on
or of course on the Official Facebook page
or of course on the Official Facebook page
Respect to HA
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