Meanwhile one of the bikers injured, Mieses, of Lawrence, Mass., remains in critical condition after Lien plowed into him, breaking both his legs, fracturing his spine and paralyzing him from the waist down.
To be absolutely honest , I condone the bikers actions in such a situation having myself , as a biker seen idiots in cages driving aggressively and often deliberately acting provocatively towards myself or other 2 wheel road users.
I was watching a video last night on you tube. It appears to be somewhere in Europe. A fat prick in a shogun or some other outrageously fatty- SUV deliberately angles his vehicle and front wheels to inconvenience a motorcycle rider trying to make progress through the traffic. Stuff like this happens all the time when riding in London and it is just plain stupidity and inflammatory behaviour by some mindless car drivers.
I had the biggest laugh a few years ago when riding my old Iron Head Sportster. I was making my way to Falcon Road,SW11 to hook up with some brothers for an Ace Café run from the Battersea Power Station to Brighton. As I waited to make a right turn into Falcon road from Lavender hill (at Clapham Junction) A driver in a new ford pulled round my left side ,intending also to make a right turn. Apart from the fact he was dangerously close to my bike I kinda guessed he wasn't paying attention to the Brewery truck unloading immediately ahead in the road into which I was turning.
As the lights changed and I made the turn he turned aggressively and panicked when he realised he couldn't clear the Brewery lorry and he just side swiped me , pushing me sideways quite a few feet.
luckily instinct rather than skill took over and I miraculously managed to keep upright and not swerve into the oncoming traffic. The main reason the bike didn't get pushed further or topple was also as it turned out a little bit of Kharma on the twat in the car.
He didn't pull over or even acknowledge his stupidity , presumably as he contemplated the 20 to 30 "oily" bikers waiting just ahead and watching in astonishment at his actions. Instead he accelerated and took a quick left across the estate.
His Kharma came in the form of the surprise he would get when he got home in his new ford. The footpeg (no forward controls on my ratted old ironhead ! ) on the Bike was like most of the old Harleys, almost "agricultural" grade heavy metal. After the bike dislodged itself after the sideways "push" It became clear that his actions had caused the footpeg to penetrate the door skin and as he continued his forward motion it ripped the door skin like a tin opener ! lol Kharma indeed.
I can imagine his feeling as he gets out of the shiny new car to find the side looks like the tin can it is !